Monday, March 11, 2019

The Healing Crisis and JC Tonic

What is The Healing Crisis and
What does it have to do with JC TONIC®?!

Well, in the words of Dr. Bruce Fife, "The healing crisis is a process in which the body undergoes an intense period of cleansing and rebuilding. This is a common phenomenon that happens when you do natural things to improve your health, such as taking tonic herbs. It is called a "healing" crisis because the body is healing itself and becoming stronger. It is sometimes considered a "crisis" because the symptoms can be dramatic and rather unpleasant during this time. Because the healing crisis is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms it is often mistaken as a sickness. In reality, it is just the opposite. It is a process in which the body is overcoming ill health and becoming healthier and stronger...

When people start to take JC Tonic®, they assume that since it will improve their health they will immediately begin to feel better. While it will begin the process of improving health, that doesn’t mean you will suddenly feel better. In fact, just the opposite may happen..."

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