Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Power of Probiotics - Dr. Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola, osteopathic physician, explains why we need good bacteria in our intestines and how to promote probiotic bacteria.

We have 60 trillion bacteria in our intestine and we need good types of bacteria to remain healthy.

You can achieve good bacteria by eating fermented foods and/or taking a high quality probiotic in supplement form.

When choosing a probiotic supplement Dr. Mercola suggests:
  • make sure the supplement does not contain magnesium stearate and/or titanium dioxide (Magnesium Stearate is a flow agent that helps the materials flow better into the capsules.  Actually it promotes a biofilm in your intestines which causes less absorption of nutrients.)
  • make sure you look for a high potency probiotic
  • make sure the company you purchase your supplement from is doing objective testing on the product
Shared with:  the healthy home economist