Tuesday, November 17, 2009



E-Power activate cells and breaks through traditional treatments to improve the functions of the 8 main body systems.
Circulatory * Nervous * Digestive * Bowel * Immune * Skeletal * Weight * Skin

E-Power Can Increase Our Negative Electric Potential
Negative Potential Energy also increases the permeability of cell membranes and enhance the composition of ATP (adenosine triphosphate energy - energy carrying molecules found in the cells of all living things).
ATP is responsible for transporting chemical energy within cells for metabolism.

An individual gave me an example of creating negative potential energy in the body:
"When someone dies in a hospital and the medical staff gives them those two paddles to jump start the body, they are actually giving them a high voltage of negative potential which is jump starting every cell in their body. The E-Power on the high setting generates 1,000 volts of negative potential so we are slowly recharging every cell in our body." source