Monday, March 5, 2012

Two Different Brains

We have all looked in wonder at the amazing transformation of a caterpiller into a moth, but did you realize that a moth needs an entirely different kind of brain than the caterpillar.

In the caterpillar stage, its body is primarily designed for eating and its brain must be able to control its powerful jaws, huge digestive system, as well as, the complexities of caterpillar movement.

During metamorphosis, the caterpillar completely dissolves, and the moth is rebuilt from the liquid. 

During this metamorphosis process, the brain, for example, requires new nerve cells and new connections between the brain cells, some brain cells change function, even migate to new locations, or simply just die.

The result is a brain that is 10 times the size of the caterpillar's and ready to control flight.

Since the moth's primary purpose in life is to reproduce, its new brain is able to generate the odors used by moths to identify and communicate with potential mates, it is also equipped to detect the scents of a potential mate.

Only our almighty Creator could completely rebuild a caterpillar into a moth.  Only He could rebuild and increase its brain ten-fold in only a week or two.  Even more amazing is how He remakes us.  Through the forgiveness of sins, Jesus Christ turns us from people who wish to escaped Him to new creatures who love Him and find joy in Him.  source

2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.