Saturday, March 16, 2019

JC Tonic - Healthy Blood=Healthy Life

How is it that JC Tonic® is able to help so many people with so many different health problems?

Given the right care, the human body is capable
of doing amazing things!

JC Tonic®, helps to keep the blood healthy.

Healthy Blood = Healthy Life

It accomplishes this by helping to regulate blood chemical and biological balance. It has the property to keep the walls of the blood vessels clean. It has catalytic properties to render chemical processes and conversions more efficient and more assimilable to the blood.

It also contains rich sources of trace minerals and organic acids, to supplement these to the blood chemistry if lacking.

It so contributes to keep blood in good shape to do its job of giving life and well being to the body.

Your Body - Astounding Facts
By Dr. Anne Dunev

Most people know more about their favorite sports team or the latest celebrity news than they do about how their own body works. 

The word “doctor” comes from the Latin “docere”, which means to teach...

Here are some astounding facts about your body:

There are 60 to 100 trillion cells in the adult body.
Every hour, approximately 1 billion cells must be replaced.
Where do dead cells go? To the kidney, to be excreted.
A human body has 60,000 miles of blood vessels.
15 million blood cells die in the human body every second.
The heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood
through those vessels every day.

The average heart beats 100,000 times per day.
Two million red blood cells die every second.
The average human heart will beat 3,000 million times
in its lifetime and pump 48 million gallons of blood...

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