Thursday, February 2, 2012
Decrease Fluoride Consumption for Better Health
Did you know that if a child swallows the pea-size amount of toothpaste recommended on the tube, FDA says to call Poison Control; this is the same amount of fluoride in one 8-ounce glass of fluoridated water.
Also, did you know that:
- 97% of Western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water.
- 41% of teens are fluoride overdosed & have permanent health effects (CDC studies).
- Fluoride (F) causes white and brown spots on teeth, brittle teeth and bones.
- ADA/CDC warns against giving infants fluoridated water.
- Fluoride is a drug and can cause neurological and brain disorders, kidney & thyroid problems, arthritis, bone cancer, migraines, infertility, etc.
-Fluoride increases lead absorption by up to 7 times.
- Israel water engineer speaks out against fluoridation.
Despite these shocking statistics, the dental industry, public health agencies and their non-profit partners are spending tens of millions of dollars for grants to install fluoridation systems and to launch massive public relations campaigns promoting water fluoridation based on false science.
Click the picture above to print the Fluoride-Free Handouts or go to
Source: Water Fluoridation
Shared with: the healthy home economist