Wednesday, January 11, 2012

FDA Alert for Excedrin, Bufferin, Gas-X, NoDoz

The FDA, over the years have found problems in the drugs made by the Novartis Consumer Health manufacturing plant in Lincoln, Nebraska and as of Sunday, Novartis has temporarily suspended production at their factory and have recalled:

  • Excedrin and NoDoz products with expiration dates of Dec. 20, 2014, or earlier
  • Bufferin and Gas-X Prevention products with expiration dates of Dec. 20, 2013, or earlier
Novartis wants consumers to discard the pills or to return the products by mail for a full refund, plus Novartis will also apply $2 for shipping costs.  Novartis's site is available for more information as well as calling the company direct at 888-477-2403, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. EST.

Because of packaging and labeling problems at the plant in Nebraska, Edward Cox of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research said early Monday, "it's possible that tablets from one product may have been retained in the packaging machinery, and then may have carried over into the packaging of another medicine, this could result in an incorrect pill of one medicine ending up in the bottle of another product."

The FDA also cited problems with Novartis which included, failures to respond to consumer complaints about bottles containing incorrect tablets, file reports with the FDA and send postage-paid materials to consumers so that further evidence could be examined.  (click here for the full FDA report)


HealthIsInReach suggests for pain and gas relief consider alternative means, such as:

For pain relief:
Shared with:  the healthy home economist