Go Green Nutritional Supplement and pH Balancer is made from primarily organic and wild-harvested ingredients which include organic grasses, ten organic vegetables (carrot root, kale leaf, fennel root, spinach leaf, collard greens, parsley leaf, Swiss chard leaf, beet root, broccoli trops, and cabbage leaf), enzymes, probiotics, sea trace minerals, mushrooms and sprouts...a total of 77 high quality ingredients.
Go Green is manufactured by a certified organic Handler and Processor (USDA) and Kosher Certified laboratory in the U.S. who have been producting high quality products for over 20 years. After the ingredients are juiced they are dried into a powder, during the drying process the temperatures never get above 100 degrees.
Go Green was muscle tested on 3 individuals, 2 males and 1 female, go to "Go Green Muscle Testing Demo" to view the demonstration.
After viewing the demonstration, if you would like additional information on Go Green, simply visit our site at www.healthisinreach.com/GoGreenNutritionalSupplementandpHBalancer.htm